Meaning of (उपदेश देना) upadesh dena in english
As noun : sermonise
moralize Ex: It also said agricultural institutions aim to moralize young prisoners by occupying the Earth works moralise preachify
As verb : preach Ex: 1146, and Eugene authorized Bernard to preach the news throughout France. exhort sermonize instruct Ex: Link awakens to find 3 Fairies, who instruct him to draw the Four Sword.
Other : to lecture Ex: Camus also toured the United States to lecture about French thinking. to advise Ex: If you are in trouble, get Chris to advise you . to instruct Ex: Luke's father appears as a ghost to instruct Luke. lecture Ex: Camus also toured the United States to lecture about French thinking. advise Ex: If you are in trouble, get Chris to advise you .
Suggested : to reflect on or express opinions about something in terms of right and wrong, especially in a self-righteous or tiresome way to reflect on or express opinions about something in terms of right and wrong, especially in a self-righteous or tiresome way to deliver or compose a sermon preach to urge, advise, or caution earnestly admonish urgently to proclaim or make known by sermon (the gospel, good tidings, etc)
Exampleउपदेश देना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(उपदेश देना) upadesh dena
can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including vowels consonants matras.
Transliteration :
upadesha denaa